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Thank you! We have raised enough funds to feed 300 families for the next 14 days.

Writer's picture: judithsidjudithsid


Happy Tears!!! By the grace of God and your generous support we will be serving rice, lentils, oil & vegetables for 1176 people (children and their parents).

For the past 2 months I have seen your devotion, prayer and encouragement for the community around of our children home. Your generosity is making the biggest impact to the people with the greatest need. I witnessed your sacrifice and passion for these families whom you’ve never seen or interacted before. It overwhelms me see what we have been able to accomplish. This weekend we will be distributing over 7800 lb of food.

In India, the 4th stage of lockdown ends this on May 31st . The President of India will announce on Sunday evening on how long the 5th stage will be. With the increasing number of COVID it does not look good and people are in a state of panic. But the 300 families who will receive food will have certainty to feed their children for the next 2 weeks. It is because of you. And I am so grateful to you for that.

Thank you for giving them hope! Thank you making a big difference in their lives! I pray God’s blessing, His health and protection over you and your family. According to the scripture, “Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and He will reward them for what they have done.” You have given to families in desperate need and greater will be your reward.

Love you and God Bless!

Judith Siddharth



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